Sunday 29 August 2010

Hello, my name is Eric Beharrell, and I make and repair musical instruments.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. woops sorry, I will post again,

    My name is Tamsyn and I think your work is truly beautiful.

  3. Played one of Erics short scale tenor banjos Sunday, great little banjo!

    Bill, Waddingham

  4. Hi Eric, lovely instruments Sir. My computer wont open the email link for some reason. I might be about to purchase one of your instruments, a soprano ukulele numbered 006, with 2008 also on the label. I wonder whether you could tell me some more about it? The owner doesn't know much. Materials used? Anything you see as pertinent or would be kind enough to share with me would be hugely appreciated. My email address is -

    Kind regards,
